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What is Strategic Psychotherapy
At Sheena's Healing Hands, we provide holistic health and wellness services that are tailored to each individual client. We take a unique approach combining psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis, and mindfulness to help our clients live their best lives.
Our goal is to help our clients gain a better understanding of the behavior patterns that have held them back and develop new strategies to create lasting change. Through strategic psychotherapy, we identify these patterns of behavior and individualize new strategies and resources for you to access and develop new cognitive behavior patterns with clinical hypnosis.
Strategic therapy is therapist-led and client-centered. We are all experts in how we perceive problems in our lives and how we create patterns of behaviour such as anxiety which can be social, performance based; have phobias; addictions to alcohol/smoking etc; sleeping issues and much more. Strategic Psychotherapy helps Sheena to identify these patterns of behaviour and individualise new strategies, and resources for the you to access and help develop new cognitive behaviour patterns.
Sheena's role as the therapist is to be the expert in helping the client to identify the triggers and help them resolve their issue. It is different from other consultations, as we don't need to hear the whole story and reflecting on the past events. Sheena uses a specific type of interviewing techniques, formulating an individualised treatment plan over a few weeks. This treatment plan is used to modify patterns of behaviour which have caused their initial problem for the client and is embedded in the conscious and subconscious mind of the client with an hypnosis session. We store so much in our subconscious mind in fact approximately 90% of our beliefs, values, habits, emotions, imagination, intuition and long term memory which can create different cognitive behaviours which can cause us issues in our day to day life. By using the Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis together we can develop new strategies for you to move forward with your life in a positive way.
The client has to be committed to wanting to change and let go of their problem such as anxiety and be able to commit to the time for the homework/tasking set by Sheena for this therapy to be effective and for the client to change their behaviour.
What is Clinical Hypnosis
Clinical Hypnosis is used in conjunction with the Strategic Psychotherapy and Sheena's Diploma in was studied at the Institute of Applied Psychology, which is a government recognised training facility. The Clinical Hypnosis embeds the strategies and resources found in the Strategic
Psychotherapy interview, to modify clients behaviour conscious and unconsciously during the Hypnosis session.
The Hypnosis session is individualised to meet the needs ofthe client. There are many myths about Hypnosis and it is important to acknowledge that this is not the traditional Hypnosis used in stage shows for entertainment purposes. Sheena uses Dr Milton Erickson Hypnosis and this is unscripted and individualised to your particular issue using
the resources from the Strategic Psychotherapy session. It is important to note that client is in full control during of the session, and as such you can go into a light trance state or a deeper trance state, you decide and each session can be very different. It is not the traditional scripted Hypnosis, which research has been proven to have poor results, which Sheena has also learnt but found that she wanted to take her hypnosis to a professional standard for positive long term results for her clients.
Hypnosis involves a trance like state. Most people are not aware that they go into a trance like state, many times during the day. Have you ever driven your car somewhere and then wondered how you got to your destination without thinking? This a trance like state and you are accessing your unconscious mind to allow you to get to the destination without thinking consciously, inducing a relaxed state of mind. It is also important to be aware that in the state of trance which hypnosis, you are in total control of the session and you are free to come out of hypnosis at anytime of your choosing as we can not over ride your free will or mind control anyone during hypnosis which is a common myth. If during the session your values and beliefs will also not be over ridden so this will also bring you out of hypnosis if you do not resonate with the hypnotherapist. Your safety is paramount and Sheena treats her treatments in a professional way, just like her nursing career, wanting positive outcomes for her clients in any of the modalities offerd by Sheena's Healing Hands & Clinical Hypnosis.
Please Read following information which safe guards clients and Sheena with regard to Law and Ethical Consideration for Practice.
Prior to your first Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis Sheena requires you to complete a Client enrolment form which will identify if you are out of Sheena's Scope of Practice to offer this treatment plan. You will also be invited to have a short discussion which Sheena to ensure that this treatment will meet your needs for a successful outcome. It is important to know that due to the unique nature of this therapy, you will be given a quote by Sheena for the treatment plan and this will be discussed in the free phone consult after your submission of your client intake form, links are on this page. Please read important information below:
Duty of Care
Please note that Sheena ensures that your safety is paramount the right care in the right place. Your safety is Paramount and to provide quality care.
Informed Consent
Sheena will take the time to advise clients of the process of informed consent agreement for the strategic psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis Treatment Plan.
Scope of Practice
Sheena's Scope of Practice does not including Clients under the care of a psychiatrist, mental health diagnosis including : psychosis, severe depression, any person who cannot absorb or discuss their treatment plan. In these cases, Sheena will refer Clients to appropriate professionals for client safety.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
All documentation and data is kept secure at the premises and your Confidentiality and privacy is paramount to our company. Please note that Sheena is a Mandatory reporter and if any concerns are raised with regard to client or others safety or illegal acts these will be reported to the relevant authorities, after consultation with the client.
If you have any questions, please email Sheena click the enquire button
Some Research papers for your interest.
Nield, W. (2001). Hypnosis used in the treatment of a chronic pain condition. Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis, 29(1), 52–59.
Intensive Therapy: Utilizing Hypnosis in the Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders Greg Potter Pages 21-28 | Published online: 21 Sep 2011
Effectiveness of hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management
David N. Bolocofsky, Dwayne Spinler, Linda Coulthard-Morris
First published: January 1985
Hypnosis in the treatment of anxiety- and stress-related disorders
D Corydon Hammond
Pages 263-273 | Published online: 09 Jan 2014
Are you happy to proceed with Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy Sessions?
Please complete this link below to complete client intake form in jot form.
Sheena will follow up with a free 15 minutes, phone consult.

I have had several hypnotherapy and psychotherapy sessions with Sheena and I’m amazed at the outcome. I originally contacted Sheena with anxiety about returning to work after an extended absence due to injury. Her approach and questions were so unique. I soon realised there was so much more behind the anxiety but Sheena dug it all out and worked in a professional focused way.
The treatment was targeted specifically to my needs and the hypnotherapy was so relaxing but delivered specific messages to me. I am truly grateful for the lifelong skills I’ve have learnt through this therapy.
Thank you so much Sheena!
Deb (Perth)
Hi Sheena,
I want to thank you for our recent hypnotherapy session. As a mature age student facing study and exams again after a long break, I found that our session gave me the confidence to meet the challenge of assignments enthusiastically and “nail it”.
I recommend your services to anyone facing any challenges and looking for certainty.
Lynne (Brisbane)
Google Review
When I worked with Sheena, what became apparent very quickly to me was how intuitive she was in zeroing in on what was at the core of what troubled me. To have someone declutter your internal story and pull you out of your thoughts and see clearly where you are stuck, felt like a pressure valve being released. I couldn’t recommend her support enough.
T Miller (Melbourne)
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